
Date 05/09/2024
Time 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Sakya Buddhist Centre, 121 Sommerville Rd, Bristol, BS6 5BX, United Kingdom


“The Cycle of Gonpo Yhizin Norbu” composed by Sangye Puntsok (1649-1705) the 25th abbot of Ngor E-wam Choden.

Gonpo Yizhin Norbu (Gonkar) is the wealth and protection bestowing emanation of Chenrezik. His practice was originally transmitted in the Shangpa Kagyu lineage and later preserved in the Sakya tradition where it is relied upon by many meditators.

These pujas happen once a month on Thursday evenings and are open to those who have taken refuge and received the relevant initiation and reading transmission for the sadhana.



Sakya Buddhist Centre Bristol

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