MAJOR EVENT: Lama Jampa Thaye teaching in London

Date 22/03/2025
Time 10:30 am - 4:30 pm

Herringham Hall, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London, England, NW1 4NS, United Kingdom


The date is confirmed for this teaching by Lama Jampa in London.

For more information please see the Dechen London website.

Lama Jampa will give the following teachings:

  • 10.30am-1.00pm: ‘Differentiating the Three Vows’ by Sakya Pandita
  • 2.30-4.30pm: The initiation of the Lords of the Three Families (Chenrezik, Manjushri & Vajrapani)

The text in the morning will be continued in London and Bristol alternately throughout 2025 (it is not essential to have attended earlier parts to attend):

  • 22nd March 2025: London
  • 7th June 2025: Bristol (Future Inn)
  • 11th October 2025: Bristol (Future Inn)
  • 15th November 2025: London

[Please note that as many people from the Bristol Centre will be going to this teaching, there will be no Saturday morning meditation class on this date].

MAJOR EVENT: Lama Jampa Thaye teaching in London

Herringham Hall

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